Don't Be A Victim: How to Hire a Tax Representative
If you are reading this, chances are you are looking for a tax professional to assist you in your dealings with the Internal Revenue Service or a state taxing authority. The best advice when hiring a tax professional is to do your homework. Do not be fooled by slick advertisements and sales pitches. Child visitation. Doing a little research before you hire someone can save you lots of time and frustration down the line, not to mention saving your hard earned money from going down the drain.
Unfortunately, there are outfits that prey on unwitting consumers looking to resolve their tax debts. These companies often promise the world and never deliver, all the while charging you for services you may not receive in a timely manner. Many of our clients have come to us seeking help which they thought they had previously obtained, only to discover that nothing had been done on their case for months on end.
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